Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Path of Destruction

I am learning very quickly that there are big differences between Ben and Kate. I don't know if I just don't remember what it was like to have an 11 month old that gets into everything or if Ben just didn't. I remember leaving Ben in a room and finding it in tact when I got back. That is not the case with Kate. She is into everything. She is a super nosy little thing. She wants to check everything out and explore it all. She also wants to put everything in her mouth. Ben was so not like that.

This morning was a prime example of this. We had to be at Bible Study at 9. So I got up around 6:30 to start getting everyone ready. After a shower, I fixed both the kids breakfast. No problems so I was thinking all was good. I then tried to get Kate dressed. Now this child hates to get dressed. More exactly she just hates to be held down. It is like wrestling a cat to dress her and try to brush her hair. I say try because it is almost impossible. Most days she ends up looking like a ragamuffin because I just can't get her hair brushed. So while I was blow drying my hair and trying to get Ben ready I let her explore. Bad mistake. Here is what I found...

She got into my dinning room side board and ate the potpourri. Yes ate it. At least her "business" will smell good.
Then she got into the toy basket and pull them all around the living room. Not a big deal. That is what they are there for but it was just annoying to have to pick them up.
Then she got into the pantry. Nothing like finding potatoes all over the floor. (Please ignore my super dirty floors - I know I need to mop but I just don't have time. Everyday Kate ends up with black knees and pants from crawling around on dirty floors).
The kicker was she got into Ben's leftover breakfast and smeared cream cheese all over the sofa and rug. She also spilled milk all over the rug. Fun times!! Needless to say we were about 30 minutes late for Bible study because I had to clean her and the house up. The child leaves a path of destruction wherever she goes. I am not joking! She is so cute and little but she is her own mini destruction team!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! We have the opposite - Gabe was just like that, but Julia really isn't - it's funny how different siblings can be! I was way behind on reading your blog, so I caught up tonight. I LOVE the pic of you and the kids in the park and also the photos of the kids from the Sept 23 post :). ~Jess
