Monday, October 25, 2010

Recapping the Weekend

Another fun weekend for the Eckleys. It started on Friday night with Isaac Johnson's 1st birthday party! Kim did an amazing job with the party. It was the cutest pinwheel theme. All the food was green and blue. So cute! This was Kate's first time to go to a birthday party for one of her friends. She had a good time I am sure. She didn't really tell us but she seemed to enjoy herself.
Kate and Isaac. So cute. They are exactly 3 weeks apart in age.

Saturday started out sort of rough. Ben had a touch of a stomach bug. It wasn't bad at all and lasted about 2 hours. He never really felt bad so that was good. But it did mess up our plans for the day. He was supposed to go golfing but he didn't get to go. SAD! He was also supposed to go to John Thomas' birthday party but also didn't get to go. Super SAD. He hasn't been able to go to any of John Thomas' parties for the last 3 years. I don't know if he will ever get to go. We did let him pull out Axis & Allies to play with since he was sick. He played for HOURS!! He had such a fun time setting up elaborate battles. On Saturday I did get to hit some garage sales. Got some great clothes for Ben and a couple of toys for Kate. Almost done Christmas shopping for them. Until they realize the difference, their Christmas presents come from consignment and garage sales. Matt did get to play a little golf. We then watched the Auburn game. Oh my goodness!! It was so wonderful. I can't believe we are ranked #1. Last time we were number 1 was in 1985 and I was 5 years old. We have waited a long time for this!!! So even with the quick sickness Saturday was fun and successful.

Here is Ben's elaborate set up.

Sunday Kate had a touch of whatever the bug was. Once again she seemed fine just had a little upset tummy. So she and I stayed home from church. I hated to miss but it was nice to get a lot done to get the week started. When the boys got home, we wanted to enjoy the outdoors so we headed up to Green Mountain and enjoyed the Nature Trail. It was a beautiful day and we loved being outside! We walked the whole trail and had a great time.
So great weekend all around. The week is starting off good and busy as usual!


  1. Sorry the kids were sick :(. Love the party photo - she has great ideas! ~Jess

  2. I am laughing at your pink shirt in these pics. I wore my shirt just like that the other day! Funny we still ware them after 8 years or so!!!!
