Wednesday, October 20, 2010

School Pictures

So why is it that there is never a decent school picture taken. I mean really I don't know if I have ever seen a good one. Poor Kate had her first experience a couple of weeks ago with the dreaded school picture. Here is what we got...

So I admit that I forgot it was picture day. But I remembered as we were walking into school and thought she was dressed cute so it would be ok. Umm... Who would have guessed that it would be an orange and yellow background. I like to think that her funny face is her saying, "This so clashes. Do not take my picture!!" They just didn't capture her at her best. Oh well one day we will all look back at this and laugh. But needless to say I didn't buy any!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I see your point, but she still looks adorable to me :)!! Gabe had his pictures today - we shall see what we get... ~Jess
