Tuesday, November 16, 2010

12 Months Old - 1 Year!!!!!!!!

I can't believe I am writing this post already. It is Kate's birthday!!!! Here is what you are up to sweet girl at 1 year old...

  • You have changed so much in the past month. You have gone from still being a baby to a little girl. Just your mannerisms and what you do seem so grown up. You love to play with toys. You aren't picky - you will play with anything. Today I caught you lining up a bunch of toys on the table. That just seems so grown up!

  • You are weighing about 18 pounds 6 oz or so. We will get the official weight at the doctor tomorrow. The past month has been rough with your tummy troubles. You have been off milk for about 2 weeks and are doing so much better. The soy milk has gone great and you have adjusted to it well. You still LOVE to eat. Girl, you can pack it away too. I am pretty sure you will eat us out of house and home before your 2nd birthday. Some of your favorite foods are carrots, peas, bread and ham.

  • Your hair continues to grow so long. It is starting to really get curly too. On rainy days it looks so cute and curly. Your eyes have turned a beautiful shade of golden brown. There are times when they look almost gold. So beautiful! Your smile continues to amaze me. It just lights up a room and you so freely give it out these days!

  • I don't know what has happened to your sleeping schedule lately but it has been a little off. I think all the tummy troubles got you out of rhythm. You are waking up in the night most nights. Just fussy and needing to be rocked back to sleep. You are always struggling with naps. They are getting shorter and shorter. Hopefully now that you are feeling better you will get back to your great sleeping self.

  • Your little personality is showing up more and more each day. You are fearless!!! You will climb on anything and try to get into anything. You love it when daddy throws you. I think you think you are about 3 1/2. You love to be held these days. Snuggling is one of your favorite things to do.

  • You have 6 teeth. 4 on top and 2 on bottom. You are not walking yet. You are just not interested in doing it. You will stand on your own but won't take a step. It is just a matter of time though. You have been practicing more these days with your walker and are doing great. You are a talker. You babble all day long. You say Mama, Dada, Ba (Ben), bye and hi really well. There are some other things I think you are saying we just haven't figured it out yet. You love to practice your sounds and to watch yourself in the mirror when you are talking.

  • You are such a people person. You will go to anyone. No stranger anxiety for you. Ben is still your favorite. You guys have been playing together more and more. I love to hear the sweet laughs of both of you when you are playing.

Wow! So much to write about! What a blessing. Happy 1st Birthday Kate!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is a wonderful picture of Miss Kate on her special day! Can't wait to see pics of the party, especially that highchair we got a sneak peek at long ago!
    What kind of camera do you have, out of curiosity? Looking into getting an SLR to us, from us, for Christmas!
    Need more info!
    Kate sounds like Reagan, tiny in size but didn't want to stay a baby...makes me want another! ;)
