Sunday, November 28, 2010

Our Black Friday Adventure

I have never actually been out "Black Friday" shopping. I am usually done with my Christmas shopping by Thanksgiving (I am again this year!!). I am not a big fan of crowds. And the deals don't seem all that great. I know some people love it. Matt is actually one of those people. he went before work on Friday. Crazy if you ask me!
The kids and I did go on a quick Black Friday adventure. I had seen that Build a Bear was going to have 2 of their holiday moose on sale for $5 each. Great deal! I had been wanting to take the kids so this seemed like an awesome opportunity. We didn't go too early. We got there a little after 10. They were down to 2 of the girl moose. I was so excited we got there just in time!! The kids had a blast making their moose.
Kate checking out her flat moose before it was stuffed. She was so cute - after it was stuffed, the lady handed it to her to test out. Kate grabbed it and was hugging it like crazy. The lady needed to finish sewing it up so she took it back. Kate let out the most pitiful cry. She did not want her moose taken away. Ben showing off his flat moose.

Ben's moose getting stuffed.

Here they are - Hal and Holly Moose.

They have a really cute story to go along with them. The story was on TV yesterday morning so the kids got to watch it and loved seeing their moose on TV!

Not your typical Black Friday adventure. The mall was a little crazy but we survived! It sure was a lot of fun!!

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