Sunday, November 14, 2010

Saturday Without Mommy

Yesterday I got the change to go to Nashville with my great friends Jessica, Kim and Anna. We had been planning a girl's day out and decided to head up to Nashville to check out Christmas Market and do a little shopping. Have you ever been to Christmas Market?? Oh my goodness there is nothing like it. It was crazy. I have never seen so many crafty things in my life. We just kept walking and walking and seeing more and more stuff. I did a great job of almost finishing up my Christmas shopping. Just a few more things. We had a great time together. It is always good to get away with the girls! Thanks for a fun day gals!!!

So while I was gone the kiddos and Matt were on their own. It seems like they had a blast! Matt has been into tweeting lately so he tweeted about their morning:

Stop 1 in our Saturday without mommy. You can't beat a cinnamon crunch bagel for breakfast.
Stop 2 in our Saturday without mommy. Finishing up our Samaritans purse Christmas boxes.
Stop 3 in our Saturday without mommy. Hopefully Kid's Space will allow for naps today. Wish I brought the stroller.
At least one kids likes to swing.

Thought that was really cute! That was their morning. In the afternoon they watched football and ordered pizza. When I told Ben that he was going to be hanging out with daddy yesterday the first thing he said was "Can we get pepperoni pizza?" I guess that is what they always do when they are on their own. That made me laugh. They had a great day. Didn't need mommy! Thanks to my sweet Matt for letting me have a "day off."

This morning we took our Samaritan's Purse boxes into church. I love this organization and what they do for kids all over the world. Matt and I have been putting together boxes every year since we got married. It was fun this year to get to do a boy and girl box with each of the kids helping! Here they are with their boxes...

Well, it is birthday week around here!!!!! We are so excited. Birthday weeks are always so much fun. We are already getting ready for the big celebration. Can't believe my baby is one!!!!

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