Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ho Ho Ho!!!!

So I am being really cheap this year. First we went to Santa's village on the free night with no Santa. Then today I took the kids to the local consignment shop where they had a Santa and you could get free pictures made with Santa. I figure why pay when you can see him for free. We are not all that big on Santa anyway. It is something fun to do around Christmas but it is not what Christmas is all about.

So we get there and no one else is there (I am liking that for all of our Santa experiences this year). Ben goes right up and sits on Santa's lap. We get a couple of cute pictures...
Then it is Kate's turn...

Utter terror...
My little girl that will go to anyone does not like Santa...
So for the group shot I ended up in the picture. And can I just say I was a little disturbed when Santa asked me to sit on his knee. Good thing we didn't pay. But it was still a fun time. Quick and easy. Kate probably wouldn't say painless.
I am so excited about this weekend. I am heading down to Birmingham to the Deeper Still conference with Beth Moore, Priscilla Shier and Kay Arthur! It is going to be awesome!! I am really excited about spending some quality time with my mom and Kelly and 14,000 of our closest friends!! Can't wait. Pray for Matt! He will be home with both kiddos. He is going to do great. It is just a busy time of year so he has a lot of things to do with them.

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