Monday, January 24, 2011

Celebrate Good Times!

We had an amazing weekend!! We headed down to Auburn to the National Championship celebration. We knew that if they did something on a weekend we were going to be there. It was so hard for us to miss out on the game so this was a great way to be in on the championship!! We drove down to Birmingham late on Friday and spent the night at the Sheraton (so thankful for our points!!). We got up early and headed out to Auburn. We got there and finally found a place to park. Had to head straight to the stadium. Good thing we did because it was already filling up fast!! They estimate there were around 78,000 people there and I believe it!!
They even had to open the upper deck! The atmosphere was awesome!! So exciting. When we got there they were playing a replay of the NC game. Everyone was cheering like we were seeing it for the first time! We met up with my brother and Kelly and some of their friends.
It was great!! Both the kids were so excited. It was actually really sunny and not too cold. We got some fun ballpark food for lunch!
The actual ceremony was great. They had all sorts of great speakers. Former players, the governor, coaches and other awesome Auburn people. They introduced all of the players from the team. Then they passed out all the different trophies for the year! So neat!!!

Kate LOVED it!!! The girl clapped and shook her shaker the whole time!! It was so cute.
Ben took a nap. His eye drops make his eyes very sensitive to the sun so had to keep his eyes closed and I guess that made him sleepy.
At the end they raised the National Championship flag! So cool!

After the celebration we headed down to Toomer's for a good rolling!
We were lucky enough to get tickets to the Auburn - Alabama basketball game! It was our first game in the new Auburn Arena. It was such a fun atmosphere!

Once again both kids had a blast. They loved cheering and looking for Aubie.
The best part of the game is when they presented the Iron Bowl trophy at halftime! The SGA President from Alabama had to lead the crowd in the Auburn fight song which was fun!
It was a GREAT Auburn day!!! It was so much fun to celebrate a once in a lifetime moment (although we hope we win again soon - it is Auburn so we don't bank on it). We then headed back to Birmingham for the night. The kids enjoyed staying in a hotel all weekend. It was fun to just get away and spend some time as a family!!

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