Monday, January 31, 2011


All I can say about this weekend was it was GORGEOUS!!!!! It was sunny and highs were around 70. We were so excited. Not your typical January weather but we weren't going to knock it!

Friday night we had our sweet friends the Newbys over for dinner. We loved getting to hang out with them. I actually graduated high school with Jonathan and Jennifer and they are the only people I still see that I graduated with. We have been friends for a long time and I love that we can still hang out. Always fun to just get to catch up with them.

Saturday we took advantage of the beautiful weather. We spent all day outside. It was wonderful!!!! We went up to Monte Sano Park for a picnic and to play. We spent about 4 hours up there which was great.

This is our child with no fear. She was going head first down the slide! They had a blast playing together. It was so sweet.
Silly boy!
Silly Girl!
We were so proud of Ben. He has always been afraid of the tall slides they have (they are really tall) and the climbing stuff but this year he did it! He just started sliding and climbing. He is growing up so quickly and I am so proud of how he is conquering his fears.
We made Kate practice her walking. She still has no desire to walk but can do it great if we make her. Ben and I put on a show at the stage area for Daddy and Kate. Of course it was about football!
My handsome little guy!
Sweet brother and sister!
We enjoyed a great picnic lunch. Can I just say the weather was just perfect.
Saturday afternoon we came home and played outside more. All the neighbors were out and it was so good to just hang out with them and catch up. It has been a long winter inside. All the moms sat around and talked and the dads and kids played ball. It was great! We are so blessed to have such great neighbors.
Sunday was the usual church activities. I was able to catch a couple of pictures of the kids in their "Sunday best."
It was a great weekend. Now it is back to real life. It is raining and going to turn cold again. I am sure there will be snow sometime soon. But we enjoyed the nice weather while it lasted.

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