Wednesday, January 5, 2011

NYC Part 2

Wow! I am feeling the comment love from part 1!!! Thanks for all the great comments. Matt said our regular life must be really boring because no one comments on that. Only when we go on a big trip do I get the comments!! Just so you know we did wear clean clothes everyday on the trip (sometimes even changed clothes). You just can't tell because you are only seeing our same coats. Thankfully my friend Jessica got me the super cute hat before we left since you see it in every picture!! And to answer your question Amy - yes I was wearing heals. They are comfortable heals so it wasn't too bad. But my feet did hurt. We did so much walking that my feet hurt even in tennis shoes though!

Saturday morning we got up bright and early and headed downtown to the Staten Island Ferry. We took the subway everywhere we went. We didn't take a single cab ride the whole time. Subway and walking. It was great! So different from here.
We enjoyed an early morning ferry ride. It was a great free way to see the city and enjoy a ferry boat ride (I love ferry boats - Dr. McDreamy).
Then we started walking!! We walked for miles back uptown. First stop was Wall Street and the bull. Ok I don't do well with Asian tourists and there were a bunch of them here. I was knocking them down! Good times.
Fun Wall Street picture.
We went to Trinity Church and the Stock Exchange.
The guys had to get their picture with George W. This was the site where he became president.
We continued walking and went up through Chinatown and Little Italy. So cool. We stopped for cannolis in Little Italy. So yummy. It was also really nice to warm up. To say it was cold was an understatement. I think the high was about 35 for the whole trip. It was chilly but we were walking so not too bad.
Then onto Washington Square
One really fun thing we got to do was go to the Christmas market in Union Square. They had tons of booths set up with great things. It was so crowded but so much fun to shop a little. We got some great things for the kids.
Ok so I have to admit that I have a little crush on Bobby Flay. I think he is pretty cute and just a great cook! I love his shows. So of course we had to eat at one of his restaurants. We went to brunch at Mesa Grill.
It was really great!! Yummy burger! One thing checked off my "bucket list."
Then more walking... One thing that was really neat was to see the change in neighborhoods as you walked. Just walk a block and the whole feel would change. Soho, Chinatown, Uptown, Downtown. It was all so neat. We kept talking about how different life in the city was versus here. No different bad. Just different. I don't know if I could live in such a large city but it sure would be fun! We saw all the great buildings. The Flatiron building...
The Empire State Building...
So we sort of forgot that it was the Saturday before Christmas and the busiest shopping day of the year. Yep we were out shopping in the massive crowds at the world's largest Macys! It was so much fun! It is just amazing how big this store is. It can't help but get you excited for the holidays!!
After hours and hours of walking we headed back to our hotel and got ready for the evening. We went out to the Gotham Comedy Club. Yep us old parents went out for the evening! It was great. We got to see Alonzo Bodden who was on Last Comic Standing. It was a great night of laughs and fun!
Sunday morning we got up really early and headed over to the Today show (some people overslept and didn't join us)!! I love the Today Show and watch it most mornings so it was fun to actually be there. We were only national TV. You could see us a couple of times when they were doing the outside shots. It wasn't very crowded (it was Sunday morning, early and really cold). We got to talk to Lester Holt. He was just visiting with the crowd and came over and asked us how we were doing. That was our only famous person sighting.
We of course had to enjoy the beautiful Christmas tree!
Then it was off to do something else that was on the "bucket list" - ice skating in Rockefeller Center. Can I just say it was so surreal. As we are skating around I am just thinking "I can't believe I am doing this." It was so much fun. No one fell. I was really worried about broken bones but everyone came out alive.
Santa was out skating so we got our picture with him as well!
All four of us!! So much fun!!
As you can tell it was just amazing!! Can't wait to share the final pictures tomorrow!!


  1. I am really enjoying all of these pics, but I enjoy you reg ones too:)

  2. It's fun to read about your NYC experiences as a tourist. Being a tourist and being a local are different. If you ever want to try living in NYC, do it when you have a lot of money and can afford to live in Manhattan or just over the Brooklyn bridge. When you live outside the city and have to commute in - and when you pay an enormous amount of money to live and commute - that's when it is not the best place to live. There are some good schools too, but I don't think it's the best place to raise a family - again unless you have A LOT of MONEY! Looking forward to the last photos tomorrow.

  3. I like your regular pics too :)
    Skating at Rockefeller Center is definitely on my bucket list too! Also- I'm amazed at all the sights y'all fit in in one day!
