Monday, January 3, 2011

One Last Christmas

I promise this is it! The Christmas decorations are almost all put up and life is getting back to normal. Ben started back to school today and Kate will go on Wednesday. My work schedule is full this week so life is back! But we did have one more fun Christmas celebration over the weekend to share!!

We celebrated Christmas with Matt's family on Saturday. Brett and Joanna (Matt's brother and sister-in-law) were in Italy for Christmas so we waited until New Year's to celebrate with them! We had a wonderful traditional New Year's meal of ham, black eyed peas and all the other yummy stuff that goes with it! It was great. We got to open lots more presents and just enjoy hanging out and watching football. It was a really fun day!

Kate was overwhelmed with all the presents!
Ben loved every minute of it!

Kate checking out her new phone with Aunt Joanna!
Brett and Opa chilling!
Playing one of the many games Ben got!
Kate resting with Mema. Poor thing has been kind of down the last couple of days. She has been running a fever. I think it is a baby fever "bug" or her teeth! She just was not real happy on Saturday!
What a fun time! Really the whole Christmas season was just wonderful. As they say - All good things must come to an end! And this one sure was good!!

1 comment:

  1. looks like you had fun!! Abby Grace has that same dress that Kate had on AND in the first picture of Ben and Matt, we had that same wrapping paper, left over from a couple of years ago! ha!!!
