Monday, January 10, 2011

Why I Love Auburn

Today is THE day!!!!! I can't believe it is finally here!!! I so wish we were in Glendale tonight (too bad we didn't know how good Auburn was going to be last summer and we would have skipped NYC and gone to Arizona - oh well). We are looking forward to watching the game tonight. It is going to be awesome. We had around 8 inches of snow this morning. It is a crazy day!!! Right now I am just praying Matt gets home from work to watch the game. No big plans for the game we are just going to hang out and watch it. I already have a huge knot in my stomach. I am just ready for it to be over!
This blog is a chronicle of our life. I usually don't write my opinions and thoughts but today I just have to. I have to write about my amazing Auburn!! I am including lots of pictures of good Auburn times through the years. For all of you that don't care, you don't have to read but today is a huge day for us so you will just have to deal with it.
First let me say I am an Auburn fan through and through. It is something I was born "into." My dad always told me he would pay for my college as long as I went to Auburn. I don't think I had a choice! Not that it matters. Why would I want to go anywhere else!! I am a 3rd generation graduate from Auburn. My grandfather graduated back in the 40's from Auburn. Today I can't help but thinking about him. He was the biggest Auburn fan I have ever known. I remember watching the games with him when I was younger and he would just get so upset!! He was an Auburn man to the core!! I know he would have loved to be around for tonight's game!!
Both of my parents graduated from Auburn in 1977. 7 of my aunts and uncles graduated from Auburn. 3 cousins and my brother graduated from it as well. It is just a family tradition. My family is all Auburn, all the time! But also we are part of the Auburn family. I think more than any other school around we are a "family." I just feel a connection to everyone who has been to Auburn over the years. There is always something to talk about with Auburn people.
For me it runs so much deeper than just football. I love Auburn University. It is a wonderful academic university! My degree from Auburn means so much to me.
Don't get me wrong. I love some Auburn football. There are pictures of me at Auburn games as a little girl. My parents were great about taking us to games growing up. In college I think I went to every home game during my 4 years. I just love and enjoy Auburn football!
Win or lose it does not matter to me! I support the team no matter what. And over the years there have been some rough years. Being an Auburn fan means supporting the team even when times are tough (and there seem to be lots of tough years). We are not known for having a huge winning tradition. We are known for being a family and supporting our team no matter what!!
It is now a joy to me to be able to share my love for Auburn with my children. I am proud to share the traditions with them. It is something I look forward to sharing more and more with them over the years. I love the Auburn memories we have already built as a family and look forward to so many more in the coming years!
So to me tonight is more than just about winning a football. It is about tradition and family. It is going to be wonderful if we win. But if we don't I am still going to love Auburn tomorrow! I will always be proud to be an Auburn woman!
I have waited my whole lifetime for tonight and I can't wait!! It is going to be awesome! "I believe in Auburn and love it!!!"
WAR EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I love it! War Eagle!!! We'll be cheering from Auburn and I wish I could tell you that we would take pictures of Toomers if we win, but I'm afraid I'd win "Worst Mom" award if I got my 8 month old out in freezing conditions in the middle of the night to go throw toilet paper. I am hoping, however, that we can go look and/or take pictures of this white corner tomorrow! =0)

  2. I thought your husband graduated from Allburn too, I never saw his name mentioned.
