Friday, February 18, 2011

15 Months Old!!!

Our sweet baby girl turned 15 months old this week. So hard to believe!! I thought I would give an update on her since we went to the doctor and there are actually some things to update.

  • Miss Kate weighs in at 21 pounds 12 ounces!! That is about the 30th%ile. She is 30.5 inches long which is the 75%ile. She has really taken off in her growth in the last few months!! She is getting really tall and lean. She still has the tiniest little hands, feet and features. Definitely what you would call petite. She wears mainly 12 month clothes. Although some 6-12 month still fit and sometimes she will wear 18 month. Get this she still wears a size 2 shoe. She has the littlest feet that just don't seem to grow!!
  • Over the last couple of months she has developed a little temper. She knows what she wants and she will let you know what it is. There are lots of tears at times. It is such a hard age before they can talk but they know what they want. She can also get a little feisty. She has started hitting (especially Ben). I think it is her way of getting some attention. So we have had to start some early discipline.
  • She still LOVES to eat!!! There is not much she won't eat and she eats a lot each day. We laugh that Ben leaves most of his food and Kate eats her's and Ben's. She can pack it away!! Some of her favorites are pretty much any fruit, carrots, breads and well pretty much anything!!
  • She has a total of about 10 teeth I think. She has 2 molars on the top and is working on getting the bottom 2 any day. She is pretty much down to 1 nap each day from about 1 to 4 in the afternoon. We have lost our great nighttime sleeper. Getting her molars really messed her up. Most nights she wakes up 3-4 times during the night just fussy. Hoping this will pass quickly.
  • She is so much fun!! She just loves to play. She loves anything that she can stack or makes music. She also loves to read books. She could sit for hours and read. One thing she loves to do is sit and look at pictures. She loves to go around the house and point at all the pictures and tell us who is in them. There really is no stranger anxiety with Kate. She loves to smile and talk to anyone.
  • Finally in the last week she has decided that walking is a much faster and easier way to get around. She is walking about 50% of the time now. Still not totally sold on it yet. She loves to talk. And she talks very loud!! It is pretty much a yell when she talks. She likes to practice all of her sounds. Right now she will pretty much try to repeat whatever you say. Some of her best words are mama, dada, baba (Ben), amen, bye bye, night night, bobo (book), gogie (dog), hi. I am sure there are more but those are the ones she says the most.

She is still such a sweet girl!! Brings us so much joy!! I can't believe how big she is getting and how grown up she looks.

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