Sunday, February 27, 2011

And So It Begins...

Where do the weekends go?? They go by so quickly. They are so wonderful but so short!! I want to start by saying I have the best husband in the whole world!! He let me go out with friends on Friday night and have an afternoon out with my mom on Saturday. Both much needed. I am so thankful to have a husband that doesn't mind taking the kids so I can have some time to myself. Thanks sweetie!!

And so the fun begins... We got Ben all signed up for soccer on Saturday. Our journey into organized activities has begun. We gave him the option of tball or soccer and he chose soccer. I think it is going to be so much fun for him. I am excited. Saturday was sign up day and evaluations. We are doing Upwards soccer through our church this spring. I think it will be a good first experience and hopefully we will start rec league in the fall. He had a blast at the evaluations. He got out there and did all the little drills. He really didn't know what he was doing but he tried hard!! It was so cute. I can't wait for practices and games to start in a couple of weeks. Kate loved watching him. She was clapping and cheering "GO."
Ben and his best buddy Micah!
Micah's birthday was last week so after soccer evaluations Micah's family took Ben swimming at the Y to celebrate his birthday. Ben had a blast they said. He thought it was so cool to get to go swimming inside. Makes us so excited for summer. I can't wait to hit the pool everyday!!
I have been working on getting together a big load of stuff to to take to the spring consignment sales. It is my first time to sell stuff. The clothes were starting to take over the house so it is time to get rid of them. It's lots of work to get ready but I am excited to get some money (which I am sure will be spent on more clothes for them).
Matt actually had to work today which is sad. But I got both kids up and ready for church and we were actually early so I thought I would try to get a picture of them both dressed up. No such luck...
Good thought though. Although the weekend is coming to an end we are super excited about the week!! It's a birthday week!!!!!! We love birthday weeks. I can't believe my little man is going to be 4. It's going to be awesome!!