Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Big Thank You!!

I wanted to give a big shout out thank you to all of you who voted for Ben and Kate back in December in the photo contest they were in. I never updated with the results that they won!!! Yes my sweet kiddos came in first place. Thanks to you guys and all the voting you did. So thanks so much! I got to pick out and awesome picture to go over our mantle. Our picture we had over the mantle recently broke so it was great to be able to get a pick of the 2 most beautiful kids in the world to replace it with! I was so excited to get to put the picture up today. Doesn't it look great!! Thanks again!!


  1. Yea!! Congrats on winning and getting the beautiful photo.

  2. Yes, the picture looks awesome! Yay Ben and Kate!!

  3. yay! So glad they won! That picture is beautiful!!!
