Sunday, February 13, 2011

Busy Weekend!!!!

I love busy weekends!! They are just so much fun. Love spending time with family and friends. It doesn't get much better. This weekend was super busy. Nothing like a day with 3 parties. It was full but great.

The fun started on Friday night. Ben went to have a "half sleepover" at his buddy Evan's house. They live a couple of doors down so we have done it a few times where the boys go to one of the houses. They eat dinner, play and watch a movie. They even bring their PJs but when it is time for bed they head home. It won't be long until they will be spending the night I am sure. Ben was so excited to get to spend the evening at Evan's house!!! They had so much fun. They ate pizza, played football and watched Toy Story. It was the perfect night. Kate went over the Aunt Kelly's house for the evening. I called her at the last minute and she was free so they had a great time playing together. I am sure she terrorized the cat for a couple of hours. She was all smiles when we picked her up. And she even started saying "Ka" when she saw a picture of Aunt Kelly. So they had some great bonding time!!
That left Matt and I kid free on Friday night. So we headed out to our favorite restaurant that we don't get to eat at with kids - Surin!! It was so yummy as usual!!! We love that place. Matt was so excited to get some sushi! It was nice to have a couple of hours to ourselves!!
Saturday was our busy day!! We had 3 parties to go to. First up was a baby shower for my sweet friend Anna. I helped to plan a little get together for some close friends at Olive Garden. It was fun to celebrate Anna and Jaden who will be here in a few short weeks. It was great to just get to visit with girlfriends for a couple of hours!!
Then it was birthday party time!! The kids friend Katherine was turning 3 and she had the most awesome Minnie Mouse party!!! It was at a gymnastics place and the kids had a blast doing all the fun things there. Then it was party time. Kate looked so little!!
Hollie did an amazing job with the decoration and fun things!! Katherine is such a sweetie!
A fun brother/sister hug! It was totally spontaneous!
Hollie makes the most amazing cookies!!!
Then it was off to a going away party. This was the sad party of the day. Matt's co-workers, Tripp and Kelly, are moving back to Mississippi soon. We are so sad they are leaving. They have become friends to us over the past 5 years. And I know Matt is going to really miss them at work. All of Matt's coworkers go together for a great Italian feast. It was a lot of fun. Here is Kate and Miss Kelly. (Sorry bad pictures - I had to use my phone).
So there were like 15 kids there and all of them were girls except for Ben and one other little boy. It was a houseful of boys!! Ben was a little overwhelmed by all the girls so he found a corner to hide in and play. And what did he find to play with but a Cinderella castle. He spent a couple of hours just playing away. He created all sorts of elaborate stories that usually involved fights and such. It was not sissy stories!!
It was a great day but we were all worn out!!! We actually just spent Sunday resting. Ben has been battling some allergy/sinus issues over the last couple of weeks with all the changing weather. So he needed a day to rest and chill out. It was a great weekend!! Sad to see it end. But we are excited for a fun week ahead as well.

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