Thursday, February 10, 2011

Just Another Snow Day

Can I just say I am over the snow!! Really we live in Alabama. We had our 6th snow event of the season. Yes 6th!! Some have been non events and some have been the real deal. I think we are going to have to start naming them like hurricanes. I shall call this one Francine (it is the 6th one and that is F right??)

So Francine was an actual snow event. We got about 2 inches of snow. And the roads were slick so that meant no school. Not a big deal on Thursday because that is not a school day for us but it did mean no speech therapy.

I think the kids are going to start expecting snow every week. I am quickly running out of ideas of what to do on days we are stuck inside.

For breakfast we had chocolate chip muffins!! Kate sure did enjoy them...

Ben went over to play at a friend's house so that was great. And the little 9 year old girl next door came over and played with Kate so I got a lot done this morning. All clean bathrooms and vaccumed floors.

This afternoon we hung out with my mom (a perk of school being out). We made cupcakes which Ben loved doing!! I think I am gaining weight with all this snow!!Francine was a quick snow. It was all melted by about noon. So hopefully all will be back to normal tomorrow!!! They are calling for 60 degree weather next week. I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. I agree! We are so over this snow. Claire is beginning to think that it's normal to snow here. I hope she is wrong.
