Thursday, February 3, 2011

Kate's Passport Photo

We are starting to get really excited about our big trip for this summer!! Alaska/Canada here we come!! Since we are going out of the country, we need to get a passport for Miss Kate. I knew getting a passport photo was going to be an interested adventure. It exceeded my expectations. She did not want to stand still and get the photo. She would not look at the camera. The poor guy at Walgreens was so patient. I think he took about 15 photos. This was the best we got...

She doesn't look great but hopefully they will accept it!! Now onto the fun process of applying or as I like to call it signing away my life! Thankfully she only has to keep the picture for 5 years and then she can get a new one. I am sure by then she will be begging for us to replace this picture. Ben's picture is so much better. You can read about his experience here. Right now I am wishing we were headed to the warm waters of the Caribbean instead of cold Alaska!! But I am sure by the time we go it will be 90 degrees here in Alabama and I will be loving the cold.


  1. My sister went on an Alaskan cruise a couple of years ago and STILL talks about it almost daily...if you need tips, she's the girl!

  2. This is too cute! :) (btw, this is cat from Constant in Chaos --- formerly iBlog --- iBlog has been imported into my new web address, so update it and "follow" me there if you want to keep following! Thanks!)
