Monday, March 7, 2011

Ben's "Fun Day"

Saturday was awesome!! Can I just recommend to all parents out there to have a "fun day" instead of a full blown birthday party. There was no mess or cleaning up. It was cheaper than a party. And overall so much more fun and relaxing!! Saturday morning Matt and I actually were relaxed instead of running around crazy. The weather was horrible on Saturday so it is a good thing we didn't try for a party.

Ben had the best time with his buddies Micah, Evan and Jonah! They were all such sweet boys and it was fun to celebrate with them.

The day started at Kidventure. Parents dropped off the boys and they got to play for almost 2 hours. They had a blast running around and just being boys.
Air hockey was a big hit with everyone!
Even though they didn't all know each other they had a great time playing together.
After Kidventure we headed over the Chilis. That was an adventure with 4 four and five year old boys. Matt and I both said it went better than we thought. Chilis is Ben's favorite place to eat so that is why he chose it even though it is not the most kid friendly. We had a couple people ask us if they were all our kids. NO!!!! It was a little hairy at times but overall it went great. Ben enjoyed opening his presents.
These boys devoured some chips and dip!! The bowl was gone in a matter of minutes.
Then it was off to GiGi's cupcakes for a final special treat!! They each got to pick out their own cupcake.
The birthday boy had a blast!!
After that we took them all home worn out!! It was a great "fun day." I know we enjoyed it and I hope the boys did too!!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Great idea! Looks like he had a blast and Mommy and Daddy are still sane!
