Sunday, March 13, 2011

Getting Caught Up

Sorry I have been delinquent in posting the last few days. It has been a little crazy. My eye is finally starting to get better!!! It was a long week of everyday doctor's appointments and lots of eye drops. I pretty much spent the entire week lying on the bed (or in the recliner) with my sunglasses on and my eyes closed. It was pretty miserable. Thankfully on Thursday it had improved enough to get the bandage contact off and start a steroid drop. And by Friday it was so much better!!! I now have about 20/50 vision in that eye which is down from 20/200+ so that is great (although I have always had 20/20 vision). It will take a little while longer for complete healing. The pain in pretty much gone. Although at times it does bother me some! I go back to the doctor again in the morning. We are hoping this is the last visit and I will declared all better. Thanks for all of your prayers. It is amazing what a little 5 mm scratch can do.

So obviously I have been doing a lot of drops. Kate got ahold of one of my bottles of drops and it went straight to her eye. She knew what it was for.
My camera battery has been dead and I haven't gotten around to charging it but I thought I would share some pictures off the phone. Last week in Sunday School Ben made this awesome mobile about creation. I asked him where he wanted to hang it in his room. He said "I don't want it in my room. I want to give it to Kate. I know about creation and she doesn't. This way she can learn." How sweet!!! Love that boy!

At school this week they have been learning about space and the planets. Ben did this awesome picture of the planets. He had to cut them out and glue them in the right spots. It looks great! He has learned so much about all the planets. His favorite is Pluto even though he knows it is not a planet. He can tell you which ones are too hot and which ones are too cold. I just love seeing him learn.
We had movie night Friday night. Both kids sat in their anywhere chairs and loved some Alvin and the Chipmunks. I love that they can now do so much together.

This weekend has been full of trying to get back to some sort of normal. Kate is cutting some teeth and is really fussy so we stayed home from church today. I feel so out of the loop because of all that has gone on in the last week. I am looking forward to a normal week this week!! Hopefully we won't start off our Monday with any great injuries.


  1. SOO glad to hear your eye is improving! Hopefully the appt will go great and we'll see you Tuesday! We missed you last week!
    Also- I'm with Ben- Pluto's my favorite planet too :)

  2. I'm so glad to hear that your eye is doing better! Been thinking about you lots. Praying for complete healing!
