Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Soccer Practice

To say Ben is enjoying soccer would be an understatement. He LOVES it!!! He gets so excited to go to practice. He loves getting to run around and kick the ball. I mean all little boys love to run and kick right? I usually work on Tuesday afternoons but my patient cancelled today so I got to go to practice. It was really cold and windy today. We are looking forward to warmer weather soon. And hopefully the weather will be good this weekend so we can get a game in! I got some good pictures at practice that I thought I would share.
One of his good buddies Jonah is on the team. They have a blast together. Ben is a defensive guy at heart. He wants to keep the other team from scoring. Unfortunately at this age they don't have goalies or defensive players. But Ben was practicing as goalie anyway!

Practicing those kicks! Team meeting! And Little Miss. She loves running around and yelling during practice. It was so cold and she didn't have a jacket. Thankfully Miss Hollie was prepared and Kate borrowed a jacket that was way to big. At least she stayed warm.

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