Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring is Here!!!

Wooo Hoooo!!! It's finally spring!! Not only officially on the calendar but the weather as well. Not a cold day to be found in the forecast. I think it is time to put up the winter stuff and celebrate.

We had a wonderful weekend celebrating the start of spring. We were just so excited to be together as a family. Friday night we went over to my parent's house for dinner. My dad grilled out some amazing food and we all hung out on their back patio. I really think their backyard is one of my favorite places in the world. It is so peaceful and wonderful. We all just enjoyed being outside and of course some yummy grilled out food!
Kate loved exploring. It was her first time to get to check out their yard since she has been walking. She loved seeing all the neat things they have out there.
I just love the outfit that Kate is wearing!! Matt has some friends and coworkers that have a little girl who is a year or so older than Kate and her name is also Kate. So we get tons of hand me down "K" and "Kate" stuff. I just love it all. Something about this outfit was just special though. I love it. It is just how I imagined a little girl of mine looking like. Cute little ruffled pants with a monogrammed shirt and curly brown hair pulled up with a bow. It makes me smile!
Saturday was spring cleaning day around our house!! Matt did lots of yard work and I did lots of cleaning and organizing on the inside. I got both of the kids closets switched out for spring/summer (that is a huge job as I have a problem with overbuying clothes for them!!) We did take a break and go have some fun at Hayes Nature Preserve. We took a picnic and enjoyed the beautiful weather.
A rare good picture of both kids!! It cracks me up though because they both look like they are wearing 80's clothes. I didn't notice it until the picture. I promise it is all new clothes just the retro look going on I guess!
Ben had a blast jumping off the benches and climbing on things. He is getting so adventurous!
Matt and Kate had to get in on the jumping as well!
Sweet girl! We were all worn out after the fun adventure and all the cleaning!
Sunday morning we were all excited to go to church together as a family. With all the sickness and trips it seems like it has been forever since we got to do that! Such a blessing to go to church! I thought my little people looked so cute yesterday morning!

It was a great weekend of relaxing and getting things done!! It makes me excited for all this spring is going to hold for us!!

1 comment:

  1. You have an amazing, beautiful family! You all look so happy all the time! Oh and I just love your taste in clothes for your kiddos - SO cute! Love the K outfit!
