Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yucky Weekend

It was a yucky kind of weekend around here. It rained the entire weekend. Actually it stormed the entire weekend and was cold and nasty. Just not the fun spring weather you want. Ben's first soccer game got rained out on Saturday so that was a bummer. We decided we needed to do something fun on Saturday since it was so nasty outside. We headed over the the local hands on science museum in town - Sci-Quest. We had never been before but Uncle Andrew and Aunt Kelly got Ben a membership for his birthday so we were excited to check it out. It was awesome!! We had a great time playing and enjoying all the exhibits. This was Andrew and Kelly's attempt to turn our kids into little science nerds and I think it worked!
Of course the first thing we had to check out was Aunt Kelly's cell exhibit. Her group at Hudson-Alpha designed and put together this exhibit. It was really neat!! Ben did some xylophone playing!

Kate checking out "Aunt Kelly's" exhibit. Kate loved running around and exploring. A very rare picture of mommy on the blog!!! We were checking out the earthquake simulator which is why we all look a little crazy!!! Bubble fun!!

Ben's favorite thing was the giant operation game they had. He said he wants to be a doctor when he grows up! Sounds good to me. We all had fun building a dam in the river simulator!

Saturday night we braved the storms and went to Mema and Opa's house. We loved getting to hang out with everyone. Ben of course loved playing Mema's iPad with Uncle Brett the best!

Today has been full of church and naps! Those are the best kind of days. It is still yucky and cold outside. I hope the beautiful spring weather returns really quickly!!!

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