Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Weekend - Part 2

After all the Easter fun on Saturday we still had Sunday to go! We had a special Easter breakfast of tomb donuts. Ben loved being able to roll the stone away. And Kate just enjoyed her first donut ever!

We had to get the traditional before church family Easter pictures. I thought they turned out really good!
We went to church and had a wonderful small group lesson and then great worship service. Then it was home for some naps before heading over to Kelly and Andrew's house for a great dinner. They had prepared an awesome egg hunt for the kids with great prizes! Ben and Kate loved it! There were even golden eggs.

Kelly way outdid herself with the beautiful table! Everything was so special and perfect. All the food was yummy too.

We had the traditional tomb cake after dinner.

Then finished off the night with some cornhole.

It was all so much fun! Full of memories and great times.

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