Monday, April 11, 2011

One on One Time

Hard to believe another weekend went by so quickly. We had a special weekend. Ben left on Friday afternoon to spend the weekend in LaFayette with my parents and grandmother. So that meant each of the kiddos got to have some one on one time which was great. It is amazing to watch their personalities really come out when they are alone. I am glad there was the opportunity for them to get to have the time alone. Matt and I commented how easy one kid is!! When we just had Ben we thought it was tough. But when we just have Kate it is so easy!!! You don't have to do "zone" defense. One of us can actually relax. Those of us left back at home did some fun things. We went out to dinner with our friends Zach and Kim on Friday night. The brought along Issac who is the same age as Kate so we laughed that it was a triple date! Saturday Kate and I hit up some yard sales with Aunt Kelly. Didn't find too much. The deal of the day was a perfect Belle (from Beauty and the Beast) dress for $1. It is the kind from Disney World that costs over $50!! It is great! Think that will be a birthday or Christmas present for Miss Kate. Matt did 8 hours of yard work on Saturday and I cleaned the house for 6 hours. I guess we did our spring cleaning. Glad to get that done. Sunday we went to church which was great as always.
Kate loved her time alone with us. She wanted to read lots of books and she talked the entire time. I guess he didn't have to compete with Ben. The girls before church on Sunday! Ben had a wonderful time at GG's house! He just adores GG!!! All we heard all last week was "Is it time to go to GG's house yet?" And on Friday he looked at his friend Micah and said "I won't be here on Sunday because I will be at my GG's house." He was so excited. And he had a great time!! Nothing like being spoiled by grandparents and your great-grandmother. He met the neighbors dog and fell in love with Buddy. They had the best time playing Frisbee.

He helped out around GG's house. Got to sleep on the cot. And got to play with all the 50 year old toys that he LOVES!!! I really do think he had the perfect weekend.
We got to pick him up from my parent's house yesterday after church. Kate ran straight to Ben and gave him a big hug. They really did miss each other! It was so warm this weekend (like 90 degrees) that we let the kiddos play in the bubbling boulder at my parent's house. They had a blast. There were lots of giggles. It made me so ready for the summer. It is going to be so much fun. Now they are back to fighting. Oh well it was nice while it lasted. We are excited for a low key week around here. It is spring break so no school (sad!!!) Hopefully we will do some fun things.

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