Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Happy 10th Birthday Grandaddy!

It has been a long, hard day but I couldn't let the day go by without saying Happy Birthday to my wonderful dad!! We got together for a little bit last night to have cake.

And we got to meet him at PF Changs for lunch today.
It was a sort of disjointed birthday celebration but I hope he knows how wonderful he is and how much we love him! My dad is just about the most awesome person I know. He is so kind and calm. Really I don't know if I have ever seen him get upset or raise his voice. He will drop anything and help us out! I just love him! I hope you have had an awesome day dad!!

I asked Ben this morning how old he thought Grandaddy was. He said "ten." I laughed and asked him how old he thought I was. He replied, "fourteen." I asked him how old Uncle Andrew was (note this is my younger brother) - "Sixteen." He is too funny. We got to work on this ages thing a bit. So Happy 10th Birthday Grandaddy!!!

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