Monday, May 2, 2011

Has It Really Only Been 5 Days

It has been just over five days since things got crazy! Really in truly it feels like a lifetime. I am having a hard time believing that just over a week ago we were celebrating Easter. Needless to say it has been a little hectic over the past few days. And all the news in the world is about to drive me crazy. I am a bit of a news/weather junkie. I love watching the news. I love knowing what is going on in the world. So I have been on overload the last few days. Too much going on:

  • Tornadoes - We lived through it but it was amazing to watch the news from the outside once we were on the other side of it. It still amazes me all the damage and destruction. Continue to pray for all of those affected!

  • The Royal Wedding - So I am also a bit obsessed with the royals. I find it so fascinating. One of the main reasons I went to the beach was to be able to watch the wedding since my viewing party was canceled. I do believe I will have to write a post all about it sometime soon.

  • The Death of Osama Bin Laden - All I have to say about that is it's about time!!!

So really the last few days have sent me into overload!! Plus add onto that all of the personal stuff with dealing with being out of town and having no power at home. No wonder my head is spinning.

We all finally made it home this afternoon just in time to enjoy the power coming back on. We got power back on at 12:30 this morning!!!!! So that was about 5 days we were without power. Thankfully most of us were able to get away. About 50% of power has been restored in our county which is awesome. Now we are just hoping the system doesn't get too stressed so we can keep power. Still under a curfew and there are issues still with getting supplies but things are starting to look better. This afternoon around 12 the hospital finally cleared the disaster code they have been under since last Wednesday afternoon. That was exciting for Matt. Thankfully his work did not get too crazy!

We had a great time getting away on our impromptu beach and Birmingham trip. I look forward to posting some pictures. Today I came home to the task of cleaning out the fridge. Nothing like throwing away hundreds of dollars worth of food. But once again we are so thankful that is the only clean up we had to do. There are thousands of people cleaning up what is left of their homes. I was wondering through the grocery store today trying to figure out where to begin buying what we needed and I realized how lucky that this is the only place we have to start over. I can buy more salad dressing and ketchup!! Plus I got a nice clean fridge and freezer out of the deal!

1 comment:

  1. I feel the exact same way. I thought I was going to have a panic attack with all the news happening in such a short amount of time. Check with your home insurance because they might give you money for food spoilage. Ours did. Glad you all were safe.
