Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's Almost Normal Again

It's really hard to believe that it has been a little over a week since the storms and things got so crazy. Before I write about "getting back to normal," I thought I would share a few more pictures from last Wednesday and the storms...

This is what Ben and Kate did the whole time. They watched the phone! They didn't really get what it was all about.

This was during the worst of the storms at our house. Not really that bad.

And of course some wrestling took place.

A couple of funny things from when the power was out... Kate would stand under the light switches and point to them and whine. She sure didn't understand why were sitting around in the dark. Cracked me up. Right after the storms Ben asked me about a hundred times if his friend Micah was ok. I thought I was going to have to let them talk because he was so worried about him. Kim said Micah was doing the same thing at their house. They are such good buddies.

So life is slowly returning to normal. Ben and Kate got to go back to preschool yesterday which was wonderful!! A week of them by my side nonstop was great but I was ready for them to go to school. I also had so much work to catch up on. Today the public schools finally went back to school. Ben had speech this morning and this is what I saw in the library at the school...
Really in truly it is like we lost a week in there somewhere. Everything sort of stopped last Wednesday. The other big issue has been finding groceries. My friend Kim took this picture yesterday at Walmart.
That would be the refrigerated section of most stores. I finally braved the store this morning and it was pretty well stocked. Only thing I couldn't get was ketchup. I guess everyone had to get some new ketchup! So slowly things are returning to normal. Or I guess a new normal. I am glad. Although my heart still breaks for all of those so close by that have lost so much.

Here a a couple of cute pictures of Ben and Kate coloring with chalk yesterday!

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