Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Let Summer Begin

One of my favorite things about summertime is that we get to have playdates all the time!! There is nothing better than some playtime for the kids and visiting time for mommies. I love being able to catch up with friends while the kids have fun. Today was just the start of all the fun. Our neighbors little gal turned 2 a couple of weeks ago and we hadn't gotten to celebrate so today we all got to go to the park and have a little party for her. It was really warm but the kids had a blast. I didn't get many pictures of Ben because he was too busy playing!

Kate loved the cupcakes!
Do not look at how dirty she is or how messy her hair is! I cannot keep the girl clean or with some decent looking hair.

Kate and Sweet Addy! They are going to be great friends. Addy's big brother is one of Ben's best buddies so we spend alot of time playing together. We are so blessed to have such wonderful neighbors that have the same values that we do!

It was so much fun and let me remember why I like summer so much.

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