Monday, May 23, 2011

Love Me Some Weekend

I know I say it every week but I just love the weekends! And I love it when we have a pretty laid back weekend. This one was so wonderful. Friday night we had no plans and we just enjoyed hanging out at home. So nice!!!!

Saturday morning Ben had his last soccer game. Aren't you glad I won't be boring you with more soccer pictures after today!!! He was getting really tired of playing about halfway through the game. He just wasn't into it. It has been a long season for a 4 year old!!
Kate had fun as always and will miss playing at the games!

Saturday afternoon we went swimming. It was so hot outside but it was freezing in the pool!!! Guess it will be a few more weeks before we can enjoy the water without freezing to death!! Saturday night we went out to Bridge Street to eat dinner with Matt's family. We were celebrating his mom's retirement!!! She retired at the first of the month but it was in the middle of all the tornado stuff so we didn't get to celebrate then. We enjoyed eating and walking around. It was the perfect night out. Ben is a little obsessed with maps so he loved looking at the maps.

And Kate just looked cute!

Sunday we enjoyed a great day at church and lunch out with friends. I thought the kiddos looked so cute all dressed up in their matching red!
Now it the official start to our summer with no school. I have survived so far until 11:45! We are actually doing great and enjoying some time at home getting some things done!164525

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