Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Weekend of Awards

Ben had a really big weekend!! It was full of all sorts of awards. It started Friday night with the annual AWANA awards at church. We are so proud of Ben for completing his first year of Cubbies. He did a great job. He has worked all year long learning verses and completing his lessons. He got his first book award along with his "Under the Appletree" award. Saturday morning we got up bright and early for a soccer game. Ben did awesome at his game this week!!! He is finally getting the concept of kicking the ball (I know basic but he is getting it) and following it through.

He had several times where he was able to break away and kick the ball towards the goal! He even had an assist on a goal.

Matt has been helping out as the "bench dad." He keeps the schedule of when kids are to rotate in and out and also keeps them under control on the bench.

Kate loves watching her brother play!

Caught a sweet brother/sister moment!

After the soccer game it was the award ceremony for soccer. They had a nice program for the kids where they were recognized and then had some fun activities.
A crazy toilet paper game!

Ben was super excited to get his soccer backpack! He can't wait to take it to Alaska!

We continue to be amazed and so proud of our little man!! He is just awesome! Saturday night we enjoyed getting together with our friends the Mobleys and Edmonds. It has been so long since we have all been able to get together. We don't get to see the Edmonds very often so it was great to catch up!!! We sure do miss them. I hate I didn't get pictures of all the kiddos. They had a blast playing together. It was so loud in our house!!

Today we had a great morning at church. Our SS teacher has been leading us through the book of Jude. It is amazing how convicting 25 little verses can be. We are excited for the start of another week. A week of endings!!

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