Tuesday, June 14, 2011

8 Years

Today we are celebrating 8 amazing years of marriage. I cannot believe it has been that long. It is so exciting that we have been blessed to get to spend this time together. I thank God each and everyday for the wonderful gift of Matt and our marriage. He is the most amazing husband!! Happy Anniversary Matt! I love you so very much!

In honor of our anniversary I thought I would post some pictures of some of the highlights of our relationship!

This is the very first picture ever taken of us together. January 1996 - back in the dark ages hence the bad picture. Matt had just walked 4 miles in the snow to come see me! We were so young and in love!

Once again here we are looking young and in love!

One of my favorite pictures of us!

The day we got engaged - April 2002

Wedding Day!!!! June 14, 2003

Our honeymoon in St. Thomas

Italy - 2006

First picture of a family of 3

The day we got to bring Kate home from the hospital!

New York City - December 2010

Our awesome family now! I don't have any current pictures of just the 2 of us. Hopefully I will get one when we go out tonight!
What a journey! It is amazing to see where we have come from and where we are headed. I look forward to the next 50 years!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary! Love the pics, esp what appears to be timberlands and the tight jeans in pic one.:) Love you guys!
