Monday, June 20, 2011

Celebrating Daddy!!

Father's Day 2011 was a little underwhelming. We flew all night long (kids did awesome) and got home around noon. Then it was unpacking and lots of laundry. I felt really bad about not doing anything big for our wonderful Daddy!!

He did get to play some army men with Ben...
We did get him some cards and a new iphone case!
And took him out for frozen yogurt (ok it was free but still...)

Just had to put one in of Ben's yogurt with gummi worms!

I hope even though it was not the most exciting day that Matt felt loved. He is the most amazing dad in the world. I could not imagine a better more loving father for my kiddos. He never complains and is always willing to help with anything!! He is just awesome!! We love you!!! I promise we will give you another special day soon.

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