Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Kate's 2 Year Check Up

Sweet Kate had to go for her 2 year check up today. We survived with very little drama (she is not a high drama kind of girl so I wasn't expecting any). She weighed in at 28 pounds (67%ile) and 35 inches (80%ile). Her BMI is 16.1 (40%ile). So her growth is perfect (always important to this RD mama)!! I was able to answer yes to all of her milestone checks (although she isn't drinking enough milk and I give her skim milk but I know about that). And the doctor said she was "perfect." She did great with her toe prick and shot. Not a tear was shed. This girl is tough! Here she is showing off her band-aid.

I am so thankful for healthy children! I know what a blessing it is. I am around sick children at work all the time and I so appreciate God's gift of healthy for our children. Kate is 2 and has never been on antibiotics (except in the NICU). She has only had 2 sick visits and they were for not really sicknesses but rashes and allergies. We are so blessed!!

1 comment:

  1. Brave lil gal! She really is one tough cookie.
    Hugs from us!
