Thursday, November 3, 2011

More Costume Fun

I just have to drag out the Halloween posts a little longer I guess. Last week I got a tip from a friend that a store called Dirt Cheap (it is now my new favorite store) had all Halloween costumes for $1. Yes $1 for some good costumes. I made the trek across town to check it out. I came out with an armload of costumes for the dress up box. The kids had a great time trying them on and posing for pictures.

We have Mario


GI Joe Ninja

Spidergirl Dorothy



They have had so much dressing up. I got several more for Christmas gifts for them. I love great deals that lead to lots of fun!!

1 comment:

  1. So CUTE! OK, this is exactly my point, we do all the same things! We went to Dirt Cheap too and got the $1 costumes, although now I can see why there weren't many cute ones left for little girls ;). It was great to see you tonight!
