Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Ours was pretty low key but fun. It started off with a leisurely look through the sale ads in the paper. Always a fun way to start Thanksgiving. We were all just excited to have Matt off. He has had to work the majority of Thanksgivings since we have been married so for him to be home was great.
The kids enjoyed watching some of the parade. We looked for Aunt Kelly and Uncle Andrew but didn't see them.
We then went over to Matt's parents house to celebrate with his family. His entire extended family is there so there are alot of people. There was so much good food!!!
Matt's mom made a fun thankful tree and everyone wrote down what they were thankful for. It was so cute!
Ben and Kate enjoyed lots of yummy food and playing with the other kids.
We had a great time visiting and playing games. We then went over to my parent's house. Since we had already enjoyed Thanksgiving with them, we just hung out and ate tacos and soup. It was nice to just visit. The kids enjoyed playing with the Christmas decorations.
It was a great day. Lots of fun and time to reflect on what we are thankful for! I never take many pictures on holidays. It is just more fun to enjoy than take pictures.)

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