Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Is It Really January?

First off, I can't believe the month of January has come and gone. It flew by! I think part of the reason if flew by is that the weather has been amazing! We have had several days when it got close to 70 degrees. Yes 70 degrees in January! So crazy compared to last year when it snowed just about every week and it was so bitterly cold. It has been a rainy January but we have also had some really beautiful days so I won't complain. The last few days have just been gorgeous and we have spent tons of time outside enjoying it!

Sunday afternoon we went up to the lake in our neighborhood to feed the ducks. The kids had so much fun.
Ok so they really aren't ducks but are geese. They are actually really nasty. And very annoying. They stand in the middle of the road entering our neighborhood and we have to wait on them alot.
Kate just loved it! She threw them bread and said "I love you duck." She just squealed and had the best time.
She also wanted to eat the nasty old bread that had been in the freezer for 6 months.
The water in the lake is so high due to all the rain. It was right up at the pier level. I was so nervous Kate was going to fall in the water. I love this picture! Ben has having so much fun running on the pier.
We had a blast just running around playing chase and duck, duck, goose!
I love getting to spend time with my family outside. I've got more pictures over the next few days to show you of more fun we have been having.

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