Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Organizing Part 1

My big goal for 2012 is to get our house organized. We have way to much stuff and it needs to go! I have gotten started working on getting things in order. I will do updates periodically to show you what all I have been doing.

First up was our room and the trunk that held all my old magazines. I have to admit that I am a bit of a magazine hoarder. I think I have kept every magazine that we got since we got married. I had hundreds of magazines. When I was looking at the magazines it was like a time capsule with all of our different addresses on the labels. I figured it was time to get rid of them. I totally cleaned out the trunk...
There were just piles and piles of magazines. We took them all to the recycling center and I vowed to not recollect them. I am going to recycle my magazines every couple of months. I then cleaned out under the bed and took all the books that were there and put them in the trunk. Much easier for us to get to.
I then cleaned out the armoire in our room that contains our photo albums and photos. I organized them and cleaned out. Looks much better and more organized.
My spice shelf was a mess! I could never find what I needed. Plus I had spices that were like 5 years old. I cleaned them out and got rid of duplicates. It was pretty easy to organize with a spice shelf that worked great. Hopefully I will be able to find what I need much better.
I also tackled the medicine cabinet. I got little baskets and organized them into kid meds, adult meds and bandaids. I made fun little tags for the baskets. It is working great and there is not more hunting for that perfect med.
One area that was a total mess was under our bathroom sinks. There was just stuff piled everywhere. I cleaned out tons of used bottles of lotions and stuff. I threw away like 4 bags of stuff. I organized everything and placed them in big baskets to keep them from getting into a big jumble. It worked amazing. I love how it turned out and it makes things so easy to find.
Ok so I think I am off to a good start. It feels to good to get things into better order. I am also making huge piles of things to sell in the spring garage sale which means money!

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