Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day of Love

We had a great day celebrating Valentines Day yesterday. We decided not to make a big deal out of the day but we do some special things to make it an extra fun day. Our goal is to teach Ben and Kate that God is love and we love because He first loved us!

Kate was being goofy when I was trying to take a picture of her to text to Matt with her Daddy's lil Valentine shirt.
This is our 17th Valentines Day together (we must be getting really old!!) Still love my sweet hubby so much! I am so blessed to have him.
The day was pretty normal with school and work for everyone. We did meet up at Moe's BBQ after we all got off work to have a fun family dinner out. We ate there last year and decided to do it again this year just for fun.
After dinner, we came home and exchanged cards. The kids were super excited to give each other their cards.
We got Ben and Kate some fun Disney Crocs for them to wear in Disney! they were excited about them!
I made homemade red velvet brownies as a special treat. They were delicious.
All our Valentines!
The kids ended the day with a red bath with bubbles!
It was a fun day and full of lots of family love!

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