Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mid-Week With Ben

There has been lots going on with Ben these last few days so I thought I would share some fun things about him today.
  • At school, they are working on phonics and learning to read. It just amazes me how well he is doing with it. He can sound out just about any word. I love hearing him read. Watching him read makes me realize how big he is getting. I can't believe he will be 5 in 3 weeks!!

  • I had to take his glasses to the eye doctor today for them to put in the new lenses so he had to go to school without his glasses. He was so worried that no one would be able to recognize him without his glasses.

  • Last night he said the sweetest thing ever to me. Matt sings a song to Kate that is called "Beautiful Girl." She just loves it. I think it made Ben a little jealous so I changed around the words to be "Wonderful Boy" and sing it to him at night. After I sang it to Ben last night he sang it back to me changing the words all by himself... "Hey wonderful mommy, Ben loves you, He loves you, Most wonderful mommy in the whole wide world!" Really do think it was the sweetest thing I have ever heard. Totally out of nowhere. I couldn't help crying.

  • We have really been working on expanding his food horizons lately. I made it a new year's goal that he would start trying new foods each week. It was a big battle at first. Lots of crying and gagging and throwing up but it is getting better. It just takes a little coaxing to get him to try something new. He still struggles with pasta. Tonight we made him eat the tiniest bite of baked spaghetti and he gagged and sputtered so much you would have thought we made him eat liver and onions. We couldn't help but laughing.

  • His class has started having a show-n-tell bucket that they get to bring home and then bring back 2 things for show-n-tell. Tonight was Ben's turn with the bucket. The items he picked just made me laugh. He picked his Hawkman, Flash and Captain America action figures. The bucket is huge and the 3 little figures are tiny! It is what he wants to take so that is what he will be taking!
I just love this little guy! He keeps life interesting but brings us so much joy. We feel so blessed to be his parents.


  1. Wow, Ben is getting so big! Glad to know Emma isn't the only one that gags and throws up food sometimes b/c she doesn't like it! Love all the pics you've been posting, Emily!!

  2. Loved, loved the sweet song Ben did for you. What a precious lil boy! And, you are a wonderful mommy! I agree!
