Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines Parties

Today was party day at the kid's school. Always lots of fun but also very tiring!! After running around this morning with the parties I think I am ready for a nap. The kids had a lot of fun so that is all that matters.
I made these fun cookies for Kate's party this morning (idea from Pinterest of course)!
Kate was ready to party!!
Her sweet little class. They are so much fun! The teacher just has to say one word to them and they do whatever she asks. It is awesome!
They had fun eating all the goodies and having the mommies there to visit.
Kate loved picking out the valentines for her friends. She knew which princess was for each child. It was so cute! And she loved looking at all the cards in her bag.
Then it was off to Ben's class! Things were a little more wild in there. They had a fun lunch of pizza and ice cream sundaes. Ben of course just ate the ice cream and cupcakes.
They then passed out valentines into the boxes they had made. Ben did a great job cutting out all of the hearts on his box. He also did a great job of reading all the names on the valentines.
It sure was a fun morning! We are looking forward to more valentine's fun tomorrow.

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