Friday, March 16, 2012

Disney Trip - Day 8 (Last Day)

We were so sad to see our trip come to an end on Sunday. We had the best week. But we were also ready to get home. It was not a relaxing trip so we were all tired. The kids were ready to see their friends and toys. Our plane didn't leave until 3 in the afternoon so we had just a little more time to hit up a few things. We decided to go back to the Magic Kingdom for one more morning of fun. This was the only day that it rained. It was a steady light rain so we just went on ahead and did everything even though it was raining. Kate wanted to ride the teacups again. So that was the first thing we did. We rode them 3 times in a row! It was a dizzy experience if you ask me. We got to meet Buzz finally!!Ben and Matt pretty much just played Sorcerers all morning! They enjoyed trading cards and trying to finish up some missions.
As we were leaving the park we ran into Pinocchio. The kids enjoyed swinging in the bus line one last time. On the bus to the airport...
Kate wiped out in the airport. She slept in the airport and all the way the way home. She was just worn out! I think we all were. Well that's it! We had an amazing time!!! I think we did everything we wanted to do and had so much fun. We will look forward to going back in a few years and doing it again.

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