Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Interview with Ben

I thought I would do a little interview with Ben now that he is 5 to see what he likes and what is on his mind these days:
  • What is your favorite Bible story? Peter gets out of jail with the help on an angel
  • What is your favorite food? BACON
  • What is your favorite sport to play? Football
  • The best show on TV is? Wild Kratz
  • What is your favorite movie? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • The coolest person on Earth is? Jesus & God
  • The thing I do most awesomely is? Play Wii
  • What is your favorite thing to learn about at school? Chapel & playtime
  • If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? Lego store at Disney
  • What is your favorite color? Silver & gold
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? An army man
  • What is your favorite song? Batman
  • What is your favorite book? Super Heroes Flying High
  • 3 words that describe you are? Glasses, curly hair, funny & smart
  • What snack do you like best? Goldfish & fruit snacks
  • What food do you dislike most? Eggs
  • Who are your best friends? Micah & Evan
  • If you had one wish what would it be? That Daddy was an army man
  • What makes you happy? When people do funny things & I laugh
  • What is your favorite game? Disney Scene It
  • What do you know about Jesus? He can heal people
  • If you could have dinner with any 2 people who would it be? Granna & Grandaddy

I just love seeing what is in that little head of his! It makes me laugh.

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