Friday, March 9, 2012

My Funny Kids

These kids crack us up at times. I love to record some of the funny things they say...

  • It was like 4 in the morning and I heard Kate stirring on the monitor. She started saying "No Addy, No! Mine." Even in her sleep she was having a 2 year old fight with her best buddy!
  • I was getting ready one morning this week and the kids were finished up breakfast. Ben came running into the bathroom and said, "Kate was done eating so I got her out of her seat. I can do that now since I am 5!"
  • Kate's new favorite word is actually. Where she learned I have no idea. The other day I asked her if she wanted something and she said, "Yes." Then there was a pause and she said so matter of factly "actually no."

Gotta love them!!!

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