Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter Parties

We got a fun start to our Easter weekend today. The kids had their Easter parties at school. They were so excited to take their baskets with them to party!!
Kate was in a smiley mood today!She has the sweetest little class. They just love each other and have so much fun together. I am so glad they will all get to be together again next year. They had a fun little party in the morning with snacks and an egg hunt. Kate was serious about hunting eggs!Showing off all her eggs!Ben's party was later in the day and I couldn't make it since I had Kate with me but he had a great time! They had lots of yummy food and a huge egg hunt!A great start to the weekend! We are so excited to be celebrating the resurrection of our Savior!! That weekend almost 2000 years ago that was the greatest weekend of all time. The weekend that changed everything. The weekend that provided us a way to be reconciled to a Holy God through the sacrifice of a perfect Lamb!

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