Monday, April 30, 2012


What a weekend it was!  So much fun!!!  It started out Friday night with a bang.  We were able to go out to celebrate my brother's birthday a little early.  He turns 28 on Wednesday.  We wanted an adults only night so we hired a babysitter.  This was a big deal.  It was the kids very first non family babysitter.  They were so excited to have Madison come over and stay with them.  They were telling all their friends about it on Friday.  It was a huge success.  I should have gotten a picture of them with Madison.  They watched movies and played games.  They thought it was so cool! 

So that meant we had our adult only night at Melting Pot!  It was wonderful!!!  We just got to hang out and catch up.  And also eat some wonderful food.  It was amazing!!  Here is Andrew with his Darth Vader shirt from Ben and Kate. 
Love my sweet mama!  Glad we got to hang out. 
Andrew and Matt!  They are so goofy!
Ok the best part of the meal has to be the chocolate.  And we had some amazing chocolate.  Here is the flaming turtle. 
I joked that I wanted to just drink it up with a straw. 
What a fun evening.  Love my sweet family and so glad we got to spend such a special time together. 

Saturday morning we had a fun tball game!  Ben is really enjoying tball and improving each week. 

Saturday afternoon we met downtown with our wonderful photographer Christy for some family, Kate's 2 year and Ben's 5 year pictures.  It was 2 hours straight of pictures.  Exhausting!!!  I sure hope we got some good ones.  When you are in the middle of it you just never know. 

Sunday there were a couple of kiddos excited to go to church. 
Sunday evening Kate and I went on an "adventure."  We went to the town of Rainsville to check out a singer for a ladies event.  It was a fun outing with my friend Deree.  Kate did great on our road trip.  It was a fun way to wrap up the weekend.  Now we are back in the swing of things that are not as fun.

1 comment:

  1. I love the look on your Mom's face when you are "drinking" the chocolate. ;)
