Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Go To Dinners

It is no secret that we have some picky children in our house when it comes to food.  I struggle with the fact that I tell parents what to feed their kids for a living but I can't even fix food both of my kids will eat.  Really they are exact opposites in what they like which makes meal planning tricky.  For the most part I just fix something and they either eat it or they don't.  We have found that there are 2 "go to" meals that we can fix and know that they will be met with only smiles and empty plates.  They are tacos and breakfast.  So we have started a rotation that one night each week we will fix one or the other then rotate the next week.  Matt and I are getting pretty tired of them but the kids love it so we are more than happy.  I know one day I will look back on the picky eating and laugh but for now it is such a struggle and I am just happy to enjoy some peace at dinner. 

Tonight was taco night!  The kids love the tacos and cheese and chips and salsa!

Last week it was breakfast week so that means bacon (Ben's favorite), eggs (Kate's favorite), biscuits and fruit. 

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