Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pillow Attendant

 Last night Ben had the very special honorof being a pillow attendant for my friend Deree's 2 daughters.  It was for Acteens that is a missions group for teenage girls at our church.  It is a really big deal for the girls.  They wear nice dresses and have escorts and flowers as they get their awards for the year.  Back when I was in Middle School I did this same thing and had a little attendant.  It was so neat to get to see Ben do that now.  We had a really fun evening.
Here is Ben with Sarah and Hannah and their dad.  His friend Maggie was the flower attendant. 
 Ben's favorite part of the evening was getting some Star Wars toys as a thank you present. 
 Maggie and Ben looked so cute together!
 Ben did a great job of walking down the aisle both times.  He took his job very serious. 

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