Saturday, April 21, 2012

Trike - A - Thon

Yesterday the kids participated in a Trike-a- thon at their school to support St. Jude. It was a really fun time! All week the kids learned about bike safety and St. Jude. They were so excited to get money to help support a great cause. Ben was ready to ride!They had a policeman on a bike to talk with the kids before they rode. They thought it was so cool. Ben did a great job riding. He had some trouble on the turns so took a couple of spills. He quickly got back on and kept riding. He did get a boo boo one time. But it was nothing a popsicle could not fix.
Ben's class. Ben and his buddy Cole. After Ben's class rode, Kate's class was up. They all looked so cute in their helmets. Kate brought her Cozy Coupe to ride around in.
Her class was a little crazy. They went in many different directions. This is Mr. Ben (her teacher's husband), who Kate adores, trying to direct traffic. Kate and her friends had a blast riding together!The popsicle was the best part of course. After the trike-a-thon we met up some special friends at the park. Matt has been friends with Eric since middle school. We have kept up with the Sanfords over the years and enjoyed getting to hang out with them while they were in town. They are about to embark on a wonderful new adventure following God's plan for them. You can read about their adventures on The kids had so much fun playing together at the park and I had a great time catching up with Amanda.

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