Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cinco de Mayo

We had a very nice Saturday or Cinco de Mayo for all our Mexican friends.  We started out with an early morning tball game.  Ben had his best game yet.  He got some great hits and ran great.  The big moment came in the last inning when he was playing 3rd base.  A ball was hit right to him and he quickly scooped it up and touched the base.  He got his first ever out!!  So exciting.  The smile on his face was so huge!! 

We spent the afternoon working on some projects.  Both of the kids rooms are getting redone so we have some things to get done.  There was lots of painting and building.  I saw this great idea on Pinterest and it looked so easy.  Matt spent about 7 hours working on it.  I don't think he will be helping me with any more Pinterest projects.  Here is a preview.  More pictures to come as we work on it more!

After a long day of work and play, we decided to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a trip to a Mexican restaurant with our friends the Johnsons!  We had a great time!!  Nothing better than some Mexican food and friends. 

 Best buddies!!
 It is impossible to get 2 year olds to both look at the camera. 
 I thought Kate looked too cute!

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